Vision 2020

As we begin a new year, we step forward with a vision to continue growing our congregation: welcoming visitors, serving our neighbors, and growing in faith. We envision being a vibrant, lively, and faith-filled congregation in the Artois area. To bring this about, we need the involvement of our members, friends and visitors. We ask your help in the following ways this coming year:

  • Participate

    Participate: it matters. We enthusiastically encourage you to join regularly in worship, build your faith through church activities, and work with us share the news of our beloved congregation. Your presence is a strengthening witness to others – and we love to share Sunday worship and fellowship with you. We heartily encourage you to get involved regularly at St. Paul's this year!   

  • Serve

    Serve: there are many ways we need help to strengthen our ministry and serve our neighbors. The page below lists opportunities at St. Paul's in the coming year. We invite you please prayerfully get involved in a volunteer opportunity for the year ahead..   

  • Give

    Give: many people make gifts to the church, and we rely on the generosity of our commitments. However, as we grow in our reach, we also grow in our financial needs. We graciously invite your donations this coming year, which will be used to continue growing our ministries and deepening our faith at St. Paul's. Contributions are collected weekly during worship, and gifts may be posted to our mailing address: PO Box 229, Artois, CA 95913

Volunteer Opportunities

Below are some ways to get involved at St. Paul's this coming year:

Worship: assist in worship in the following ways -

Reader: read the weekly lessons in worship

Prayers: lead the prayers of the congregation

Music: share special worship music during service

Flowers: bring special flowers to decorate the altar

Acolyte: assist with lighting candles and distributing communion

Usher: welcome guests and meet any member needs

Ministry: help serve our neighbors and community -

Strengthening Families: help sponsor a meal for this program hosted by Glenn County

Easter Egg Hunt: facilitate this annual occasion by reading stories or hiding eggs

Adopt-A-Family: help shop or wrap gifts for a family we adopt each Christmas

Fellowship: strengthening our community through social events -

Potlucks: prepare delicious dishes for our occasional gatherings as a congregation

Soup Suppers: bring  a pot of soup to share for our annual Advent Wednesday soup suppers

Fall Cook: assist with the preparation of Oktoberfest by cutting cabbage, frying bacon, or making mustard

Oktoberfest: serve this grand annual feast in the kitchen or helping on the floor

Buildings: maintaining our beautiful grounds -

Repairs: assist in regular upkeep or oversee professional repairs

Cleaning: keep our church and hall in fine shape through routine cleaning

Prayer: lifting up our congregation to God through daily prayer

Pray: petitioning God for the needs of our friends and members and the well-being of our faith community